In the last few blogs, we’ve discussed overcoming obstacles, walking in your authentic self, and embracing adversity. Now, it’s time to talk about how you can use those very tools to walk boldly in your purpose.
I’m here to remind you of something powerful: You are Called, Qualified, and Chosen to carry out the assignment God has given you to do.
Called: A Divine Order
A calling on your life is not a suggestion—it’s a direct order from God. We may try to ignore it or run from it, but God will always find a way to sit you down so the only thing we can focus on is what He has called you to do. I’ve experienced years of feeling unworthy—feeling like I wasn’t enough, no matter how much success I had or how many people reassured me l was great, none of that mattered.
God had to strip everything from me. The only voice I could hear was His, the only person I could call on was Him, and the only focus I had was on the assignment He gave me. You see, God often asks subtly, but typically when we don’t have the strength to make crucial and necessary changes ourselves, He makes them for us! Baby he will remove you from people, places, and things that no longer serve you purpose.
I began praying every day:
“God, protect me and my baby from the seen and unseen, the heard and unheard, and reveal every plot and plan of the enemy against us.”
That prayer alone exposed people and things that were always there, but I had been too distracted or oblivious to see them.
When you are called, you have to be prepared for the journey that comes with it. The isolation you experience isn’t punishment; it’s protection and preparation for the magnitude of the assignment before you.
Qualified: Equipped for the Journey
Being qualified doesn’t mean you need an Ivy League degree or a million-dollar loan like Donald Trump received. It means you have a unique gift God has placed within you to make an impact in this world. What is your purpose? What is your contribution? What will your legacy be?
There have been times when I’ve felt scared, stagnant, and stuck. In those moments, I would hear God’s voice say, “You’ve got work to do. You haven’t even scratched the surface of the plans I have for you. You’re not done yet!”
No matter how unsure you are about where you are in your journey, God has declared that this is the assignment He has entrusted to you. You must trust that He will give you the wisdom and guidance to see it through. You are qualified because God qualified you.
Chosen: A Divine Privilege
Being chosen is a privilege. Many will be called but few will be chosen. No matter what opposition comes your way, always remember you are chosen. Even in your role as a parent, God picked you to be that child’s parent.
During one of the hardest seasons of my life, I had people constantly reminding me, “Remember Whose you are and who you are.” At first, I didn’t fully understand it, but soon, that phrase became my lifeline. When negativity and criticism came my way, I would say, “I know Whose I am and who I am.” That simple truth became the ultimate drop the mic against anything or anyone that tried to break me.
Walking in Your Purpose
Being called, qualified, and chosen means recognizing the unique gifts God has given you to make an impact on this world. It means understanding that everything you’ve been through—every hardship, loss, and even trauma—was preparing you for this moment.
It’s funny how we go through life thinking we are in control. We have all these plans for what we want our lives to look like, but when we step back, we realize God had something even greater in mind. You find yourself doing things you never imagined, walking into rooms you thought were out of reach, and accomplishing things others only dreamed of.
Always remember: Favor Ain’t Fair.
From this moment forward, embrace your calling. Believe that you are fully qualified, individually called, and specifically chosen.
Warm Regards,
Les Marie

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11
Les, these words of encouragement blessed my soul. God knows how to use HIs chosen vessels to encourage us on this journey. I'm grateful our paths crossed that day. Continue to be used by God!! Traci
This was much needed Les! I’m in my stripping szn but inspite of, God Is! I’m chosen and His Favor Ain’t Fair! Thank you for this reminder!